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The Rise of Green Energy in Mozambique

Monday / Jun 01 2020 17:00 - 18:00 UTC+2




Despite the delays brought by COVID-19, many see 2020 as the year of renewables for Mozambique. The country has been increasingly paying attention to how the green energy sector has developed across Africa, lead to a call for change and action, spearheaded by the Mozambican private sector and its civil society and supported by international donors.

This coincided with the launch, in November 2018, of the government’s plan Energia Para Todos (ProEnergia), which aims to extend universal energy access to the whole population by 2030. Approximately 66% of Mozambicans still have no access to the grid, while many neighboring countries rely on Mozambique for energy exports; all of this represents an enormous opportunity to diversify the energy matrix and develop renewables.

With only 10 years to go, there is palpable excitement in the air, but still a lot to define. How will the sector be regulated and opened to investors? How and what type of renewables can contribute to tapping the off-grid population in such a vast country? What is the private sector’s role and how can dialogue with the government be improved?

With all that in mind, The Business Year is excited to dedicate its first digital roundtable in Mozambique to the “Rise of Green Energy,” creating a platform to outline the priorities for the private sector and articulate a vision for the future of the sector.


Emmett Costel

Secretary General Mozambican Renewable Energy Association (AMER)

Olga Utchavo Madeira

Director - Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency Electricidade de Moçambique, EP (EDM)

Mario Batsana

Energy Specialist African Development Bank

Boris Atanassov

Director GreenLight Africa

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