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Julio Pedro Sitoe

MOZAMBIQUE - Transport

Custom-Made Service

Administrator, World Despachos


Julio Pedro Sitoe, graduated from the Teacher Training Institute and went on to teach from 1982 to 1987. He joined DHL International Express in 1989 where he remained for 24 years, and later graduated as a Customs Broker. In 2011 he founded the World Customs Clearance Agency and Services, of which he is now Administrator.

TBY talks to Julio Pedro Sitoe, Administrator of World Despachos, on geographic coverage, innovation, and challenges in the market.

How has World Despachos developed its business since its establishment in 2012?

The World Agíªncia de Despachos Aduaneiros e Serviço LDA is a Mozambican company, founded in 2012 by a Mozambican national, and has a large domestic footprint as well as international experience. Strength, trust and service quality are the main pillars of the company, and our primary objective is to create value for customers and other involved stakeholders. In order to achieve this, the company relies on the motivation and capacity of its technical staff, supported by a continuous and quality induction of its people and focused on the establishment of a relationship of trust, responding innovatively to the most complex challenges.

In which regions do you operate today?

The World Agíªncia with its staff of 14 is located at Maputo’s international cargo terminal, and we support our customers in activities such as customs clearance, and procedures related to import and export. The technical capabilities of our staff ensure we have become a reference name in the sector.

How do you incorporate innovation into your services?

Our extensive experience in the processes of importing and exporting goods provides the company with the knowledge and expertise to execute a swift clearance process. It is the company’s aim to have the clearance process concluded prior to the arrival of the goods to its point of entry, be it by land, sea, or air. World Agíªncia’s client portfolio is testament to our ability to realize its objectives and overcome any challenges that may arise, assuring service excellence for the client, from the development of new solutions to the usage of the new MCNET system. Innovation is a tool that lends a competitive market, which underpins steady growth. The company systematically works to improve its services, offering a broad range of integrated solutions and a continuous commitment to competitiveness, quality and innovation. And as we continue to expand and reinforce our presence, we become more accessible to clients, while actively contributing to the development of Mozambique. The company relies on a qualified and multidisciplinary technical team and has installed sufficient capacity to address any query related to the customs clearance process. From our offices at the cargo terminal we mobilize our own transports and goods delivery service upon the customs clearance, wherever the client requires this service.

What are the most common issues faced by companies when entering the Mozambican market?

The lack of skilled workers remains a challenge, and the effort to develop the talent and technical skills can be frustrating if the competition poaches your staff. You need to preserve and also to be flexible and try new approaches.



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