AZERBAIJAN - Real Estate & Construction
Chairman of the Board of Directors, EVRASCON
Efendi Ismiyev was born in the Republic of Dagestan, Russia, in 1955. In 1978, he graduated from the Department of Bridges and Tunnels of Saratov Polytechnic Institute. He worked in the bridge-building unit of the USSR’s Ministry of Transport in Yaroslavl. In 1985, he became the Chief Engineer and in 1994 the director of bridge-building unit No 100 in Baku. In 2001, he became chairman of the Board of Directors of Azerkorpu. He is a Merited Engineer of Azerbaijan and Merited Construction Worker of the Republic of Dagestan.
EVRASCON is a dynamically developing company capable of performing a full range of complex construction works. The position of EVRASCON as a leading multi-functional construction company in Azerbaijan is determined by the colossal experience in the construction of bridges, tunnels, highways, hydro-technology, reclamation and marine facilities, industrial and civil installations, and power stations.
It operates a large fleet of machinery manufactured by the world’s leading companies and has more than 1,000 units of specialized equipment The core of the company is made up of construction and design engineers with 25-40 years of experience and young talented individuals nurtured by them. The company’s team consists of 5,800 highly qualified professionals, which enables it to implement operations of any level of complexity. The number of employees is evidence of a stable workforce and the full range of social guarantees for the staff.
The name emerged as a result of the rebranding of Azerkorpu in 2013. The new name is more consistent with the geography of the company, and reflects the rapid growth in demand for the company’s services abroad. The company has been operating since 1968, and over the years it has undergone a number of structural changes. The Bridge Unit-100, established under the USSR’s Ministry of Transport Construction in Baku, was transformed into Azerkorpu as a result of privatization in 2001. In essence, we have experienced an evolution of a state agency narrowly focused on the building of bridges into a multi-functional corporation. Over this relatively long period of activity, the company has accumulated considerable experience in the construction of various facilities both in Azerbaijan and abroad. Thanks to the high quality of work and the innovative solutions applied today, EVRASCON successfully competes with many foreign construction companies.
A well-deserved reputation allowed EVRASCON to participate in projects funded by recognized international financial institutions such as the World Bank, the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development, the Asian Development Bank, the Islamic Development Bank, the Saudi Fund for Development, the European Commission, and the TACIS program. Among of these Projects the Construction “Alat-Gazimahammad Highway”, the “Khanarkh Canal” (phases 1 and 2), “Shamkir-Gazakh Highway Project”, and “Samur-Absheron Canal” (phases 1 and 2). In recent years EVRASCON was heavily involved in the “Baku-Tbilisi-Ceyhan Pipeline Project”, Baku-Supsa (Western Route Export Pipeline) Projects, the “Shah Deniz Gaz Export Project”, “Astara Boat Basin Project”, ports and mooring berths in the Caspian basin (Aktau, Kazakhstan, and Baku, Azerbaijan). Such International Quality Certificates as ISO 9001:2008, ISO 18001:2007 and OHSAS 14001:2004 were certified to EVRASCON by renowned Swiss company SGS.
In 2014, we carried out construction activities on a number of major sites. The most important projects were the Baku International Sea Trade Port in Alat; highway bridge over the Kura in Shirvan on the Hajigabul-Goradiz highway; a railway bridge over the Kura in Poylu at KP 73 of the Tbilisi-Baku railway; two road bridges in Gazakh District; highway bridge over the Kura in Salyan at KP 55 of the Alat-Astara highway; the Alat-Astara road at KP 31—54 and 55—80; and a bridge in Pirallahi. We continued the construction of Tovuzchay water reservoir and built shore-protection walls in Gabala District, as well as walls for the V-3 underground station and a tunnel flight. In addition, we worked on the reconstruction of the Absheron trunk canal, which was 73 km long. Among these facilities, the first phase of the Baku International Sea Trade Port in Alat and the following three sites were successfully commissioned in 2014. The construction of the other facilities is still underway.
One of the most significant projects implemented by EVRASCON for Irrigation and Water Management has been the construction of the Takhtakorpu waterworks, which is strategically important for the water supply of Baku, Sumgait and the Absheron Peninsula. The construction of hydro system and the power plant will enhance energy supply of surrounding districts.
A bridge across the Tovuz-chay river has been built on the bypass highway of Tovuz. The bridge has a modern design and is the highest bridge in Azerbaijan to date (34 meters high and 278 meters long). The authority of EVRASCON has allowed it the opportunity to expand the geography of its activities and implement a number of projects in Kazakhstan, Turkey, Ukraine, and other countries.,The corporation has built a pier and a breakwater as part of a project on the expansion of Aktau seaport to the north. The Aktau seaport is Kazakhstan’s important strategic facility and the only competitive commercial seaport of the republic that meets all the requirements of maritime safety and vessel service.
Restoration of 40-km dams on the Lake Sarisu has been completed according to the resolution of Cabinet of Ministers dated 2010, along with the construction of two bridges, the main facility and pipelines on the bed of the Araz river.
The foreign projects carried out by EVRASCON at the present time include the following: the construction of an underground station, Peredelkino, and a railway flight in Moscow; the A-2 Shimkent-Tashkent road at KP 774-806; the A-2 road at the border of the Republic of Uzbekistan (toward Tashkent)-Taraz-Almaty-Khorgos through Kokpek, Koktal and Bragoveshchensk with approaches to the border of the Republic of Kyrgyzstan at KM 774—806, which was 29.4 km in length. We have also worked on the reconstruction of the A-380 Guzar-Bukhara-Nukus-Beyneu at KM 315—335, and KM 335-355, both of which are 20 kilometers; and the R road Chisinau—Sculeni at KM 6+446.8 and 24+050 17.4 km in length.
As you know it is more difficult to build facilities abroad than at home. In order to successfully participate and win a tender, and then successfully complete a foreign project, you first need to become familiar with the market and building conditions of the region. Every foreign project is carried out on a turnkey basis on design-construction basis. Therefore, each construction project involves a large team of design engineers. A striking example of this has been the long-term cooperation between EVRASCON and Gidrotransproyekt. We acquire and study the regulatory framework for the construction and design in each foreign country. Every construction project is then examined and approved by the state, after which a building permit is issued. The presence of the foreign affiliates of our company, the timely establishment of construction sites, sites and quarries of building materials are key to the successful implementation of dozens of projects in different countries.