CEO, Scitum
We are working on a large and complex cyber intelligence project with a public institution. Cyber intelligence is extremely important to combat cybercrime. We started to work on cyber intelligence seven years ago, and there are no businesses in Latin America that can match our expertise. As a result, we have high demand from public and private institutions in the region. We are part of the Cyber Threat Alliance, which comprises 50 entities worldwide. We are in fact the only company in that alliance from Mexico. We work for many of the large banks, but banks are always investing in this field through several projects. In our 22 years of history, we have signed agreements with several government agencies like CFE and the Mexican Tax Administration Service. These and other government institutions represent 40% of our revenue. Post COVID-19, we expect many companies to return to offices, though most businesses have realized many things can be done from home. Perhaps 30% of the workforce will work remotely and the other 70% in offices. Companies have to extend their protection perimeters to their employees’ homes. This is changing the way cyber security will evolve and will help businesses update themselves. Cyber security has to increase, because we now require greater security everywhere, even at a café.
Director, AKEVIA
Most businesses had lower revenues due to the pandemic and had to implement strategies to increase their online presence. They did not have the physical presence that legacy media offered. Brands needed other mechanisms to reach out to their clients, and the answer was in social media. Business that do not sell essential services saw a fall in revenues, but they realized that suspending their campaigns was a mistake. It was important to maintain their market positions and reach out to people in their homes. It was not an opportunity, but a necessity, so some companies ended up increasing their advertising budgets. The main difference between digital promotion for B2B and B2C is the main goal that has to be established before detailing a strategy for digital media. Selling shoes requires a different strategy than producing plastic pieces for manufacturing. Increasing sales should not be the only goal when planning a marketing campaign. Increasing sales can be achieved through other goals such as better targeting potential commercial opportunities for companies. This is why it is important to include metrics in a campaign. Each campaign needs to measure its success depending of this or that metric. It is not only to increase sales; there are many other factors.
CEO, Samuel Lee Belmonte
We provide telecommunications services to the telecoms industry in Mexico. We have two divisions; one provides neutral networks within buildings and private properties like industrial parks to enable more operators to offer their services within the building or at private corporations. We implement one fiber network and provide access to every operator, which then decide to give services to customers, and this makes the competition fairer and benefits customers. The same concept applies to rooftops and the spaces within buildings, because now buildings have become a new asset to distribute telecommunications services. The other business unit involves the distribution of products that use LTE technology as well as any other type of connectivity technology provided by telecoms operators. With this technology, customers have the complete freedom to combine services from one technology to another to connect their branches and sites regardless of whether their preferred carrier has coverage in one area or not. That is a huge advantage, as there are multiple protocols and multi-carrier support as well as higher service-level agreements. With this technology, we can combine different technologies. When a link fails, it switches over to the other link in a seamless manner without losing sessions or information in this transition.
CEO, Servnet
Sales have changed completely, and to adapt to the new norm Servnet seeks to base its sales on marketing as much as we can. This includes regeneration and impact marketing and a greater emphasis on those things that pertain to and take into account the people sitting at their computers. This has complemented us well because Servnet is currently rebuilding its website and adding an e-commerce component to it where we will sell some of our services. To do that, the machinery behind it needs to be well oiled and tuned. Strategically, we have invested heavily in building this so that people viewing our marketing can buy a virtual machine on our site and even auto-provision upgrades, shutdowns, and reboots of their interfaces. Eventually, we want to do this for telephone services as well. So, first, our sales process has changed. On a second front, the products that the market is buying have also changed. Servnet sells B2B services that include both telecom and platform services. We are betting much more on IT services, such as the cloud, than telecom services, because for the most part telecom services become less relevant when people are working from home. We have invested heavily in updating our service portfolio and have the full spectrum of what the companies we target want.
CEO & Co-Founder, Aleph Risk
We are a technology company first and foremost. Our focus is on using technology and data science to help companies and governments prevent physical security risks from criminal activity. We are proud to be a truly a unique company in Mexico and Latam, as we use technology to tackle a structural problem in Mexico and the entire Latin American region. Security risks impact companies of all sizes in all industries, and until we came onto the scene, no one had a data-driven approach toward security. We are pioneers in that sense in terms of empowering our clients with the power of data science to help keep their operations and colleagues safe from criminals. We saw a major opportunity for a company such as ourselves to help other companies as well as the local and federal government to fight crime. Crime has a very particular behavior in that it tends to concentrate itself in extremely acute geographic patterns. If you have granular and large volumes of data on where crime occurs—as we do—you can apply powerful predictive models to help anticipate where and when you are at a higher risk. No one is doing that here or anywhere else, so we saw a massive opportunity for us. Thus far, that hypothesis has proven to be correct.