COLOMBIA - Energy & Mining
General Manager, E2 Energía Eficiente
Jaime Delgado Zuñiga is an industrial engineer from Universidad del Norte with an MBA with a specialization in finance from the University of Arizona. He has more than 25 years of experience in the gas, power, and energy services sectors.
JAIME DELGADO ZUÑIGA We have been in operation for 18 years and take great pride in building a company from scratch that now employs 150 local engineers. Our network has enabled us to deploy over USD30 million in capital toward auto generation and cogeneration projects, facilitating stable energy services and enhancing local companies’ competitiveness. Our efforts have yielded fruitful results in optimizing operations in many industries, ranging from oil and gas, manufacturing, services, and even retail companies. In recent years, we have embraced new information technologies, sensors, and communications to expand our reach to more customers, given that only customers with large savings opportunities could afford our previous engagements. With our team of specialized engineers and the aid of data gathering tools and AI engines, we have widened our customer base to include not just large companies and energy-intensive enterprises, but also commercial enterprises, such as Olimpica—one of the largest supermarket chains in the country—helping them to improve their efficiency in their stores, refrigeration, and air conditioning systems.
JUAN CARLOS ZÚÑIGA GUTIÉRREZ Our shareholders are exclusively natural gas distribution companies, and we collaborate with them to assist their industrial and commercial customers in achieving greater efficiency in their operations. Our natural gas trading enterprise has partnered with major generation companies, such as Tebsa and others, with whom we share robust relationships initially fostered through natural gas trading on the market. Recently, we have been collaborating with these companies to optimize their generation business by enabling them to extract more kilowatt hours from the natural gas they consume. Our collaboration with natural gas companies stems from our conviction that natural gas is the fuel of choice for the energy transition, not just in Colombia, but worldwide. It is, thus, essential that we promote natural gas as the energy transition element in businesses that can leverage its potential, such as infrastructure, automotive, and transportation.