OMAN - Telecoms & IT
CEO, CloudAcropolis
Kiarash Kiazand has been working in the IT and telecoms industries since 1995, with a major focus on IT infrastructure and data center. He has been involved in 22 data centers worldwide. Since 2016, he has focused on Cloud Acropolis to ensure a secure, reliable and high-performance experience to every and each customer.
CloudAcropolis was established in 2016, and it has been growing since 2017. Our goal was to have about 80% of our revenue come from overseas in four years, and we are currently about 53-54%. Right now, because the market is not big enough for a data center to be able to provide IT services right now, we are using 10 racks out of our capacity of 125. The technology has moved forward significantly, and therefore the physical footprint is becoming smaller. Within a small space, one can get a large amount of horsepower. Right now, we work with about 700 customers, of whom about 40% are based overseas while 60% comprise smaller customers in Oman. However, as far as revenue goes, that 40% brings in more revenue. There are four other data center service providers here, and we do not refer to them as competition, because our business line is focused on infrastructure as a service cloud. Their business line is enterprise services, and they adapt themselves to the demands of customer and build whatever the customer seeks from scratch. Our approach is different; we look overseas at how the market has been developing itself and focus on the cloud and infrastructure as a service.
When talking about security, there is a part that is also connected to cybersecurity. Security is a never-ending initiative. We are currently undergoing a PCI DSS for credit card holding information. We have two customers in Oman as well as 20-30 overseas customers that are required to have that. It is therefore important for us to be certified as secure. Oman ranks fourth in the world in terms of protection from cyber attacks even though we see the same number of attacks as a company in India, France, or elsewhere. We have built a visual data center for every single customer; therefore, we know what goes in and what comes out.