CEO, Oman Fisheries
Oman Fisheries since its inception has taken a lead role in networking the fishermen from various landing centers and supporting them by collecting their catch at the most competitive price. Traceability systems are in place throughout our supply chains enabling us to trace seafood back to the fishing grounds, the areas where it was caught, landed, processed, and ultimately sold. Oman Fisheries has more than 5,000 fishers under its direct network of supply chain besides its 10,000-plus fishers as shareholders contributing directly and indirectly to the progress of the company. The potential of the fisheries sector at the downstream level is equally exciting as well as challenging. In the 1990s, when the fisheries sector was in the nascent stage in the GCC, Oman Fisheries established a state-of-the-art value-added plant in Buraimi bordering Oman and UAE. In 2017, under the Tanfeedh plan we had submitted ambitious project of setting up of start value-added plant in the heart of Muscat city under a PPP. This ultra-modern unit will invite potential investors from all over the world to invest and partner with Oman Fisheries in processing of value-added products from fishing fleets to platter. In its mission to establish a complete value addition chain, our company has founded and partnered with International Seafood Co, one of the largest and premier canning companies established in Oman.
CEO, Tumoor
Dates are the most common crop in the region and in Oman due to the dry and hot climate. It has been the major staple food for people living in these lands for centuries, embodying the backbone of food security in the GCC. However, modernization brought by oil discoveries pushed many farmers to leave their agricultural activities. In the past 30 years, Oman went from being the second-largest producer of dates globally to 11th place. Following farmers’ complaints, the government decided to revive this plan. Following feasibility studies, it was clear there was an opportunity to create value out of dates if the crop could be stored for a longer period of time. Storage capacity, location, and connectivity were thus the most important elements of the new business model. Based on these findings, we chose the location for our factory and six collection points, and we are now able to cover 95% of date production in Oman. Once the feasibility studies were done, we selected STI consultants from Italy to ensure a high quality of dates and to streamline the whole process to ensure crops were picked at the right time and sorted properly. We paid the farmers on time, sent the dates to cold stores, stored them properly, washed, re-sorted, cleaned, and dried them, and packaged them or created syrup, oil, paste, vinegar, and other byproducts.
CEO, Raid Al Rubaiey
The project is destined to set-up a fully integrated oilseed crushing facility to supply both local and international markets with edible oil and animal feed. The integrated mill will be designed to process either soybean or canola seeds to produce edible oils as well as high-protein feed for poultry farms in Oman and the wider region. The project was part of Oman Food Investment Holding (OFIC) strategy to ensure food security and sustainability of food supply in Oman, as most other OFIC’s ventures would require animal feed product, therefore vertical integration made natural sense. The project was then developed into a partnership with high-profile local and regional investors bringing a wealth of knowledge and experience commercially, technically, and financially to the project. A detailed project scope for building a state-of-the-art oilseeds extraction plant was developed in connection with top technology suppliers, and we are now at the final tendering stages to select the equipment and technology supplier. With regards to commencement of the operations, this is expected to commence during the second half of 2022. Producing crude edible oil and oilseeds meal will offer huge opportunities for downstream production facilities. Moreover, opportunities will open up in the logistics sector, with transportation companies being involved in the distribution of products. Thus, this project will create both direct and indirect employment opportunities.