PERU - Economy
President of the Board of Directors and Chairman, Omnia Medica (Grupo de Osma)
Diego de Osma Ayulo earned a BS in finance and economics from Bentley College. He is the chairman of the boards of Sociedad Agricola Saturno S.A., Omnia Medica S.A.C, Inversiones Aguila S.A., Chilles & Benson S.A. and Crosgami Consultants, in addition to serving as Vice Chairman of Inmobiliaria Elsa and Director of Sociedad Agricola Coscalla. He is a Member of Administrative Board of the Pedro and Angelica de Osma Gildemeister Foundation and was formerly President of Yacht Club Ancón.
Grupo Vital is a company that has learned how to reinvent itself year after year according to the different changes in the marketplace. This motivation drove us to enter the mining area right at the beginning of Peru’s mining boom to specialize in the workplace health segment. Technology and innovation have always been our path of choice. For mining, we developed the SISMEDIC, a unique specialized software package that represents an added value to our services, which has been well received by our clients. We are developing an innovative service in 2016, for which the principal channel will be through smartphones.
Grupo Vital supports develops its human capital across two dimensions, one being the assistance and medical division and the other being the company’s operations support and administrative division. In the assistance dimension, employee selection comes through our operations management, the medical management sub-department, and medical directors that are responsible for their own operations. It is based on the academic structure and the detailed knowledge of their own results from experience and recommendations. In addition, personnel receive in-house training based on our own management model. This selection work also takes into account the experience of our clients and includes an exhaustive audit to follow up the development of the established guides. For administration, we go to the companies specialized in selection, and for middle management and personnel in general we have a selection sector in our human resources department. In terms of technical capacity, the offer of our new services within the medical dimension is well received but at the same time the most limited. However, once we become part of the team, we give our best for intern development through the determination of key personnel with specialized training and potential. With respect to Saturno as a main component of our strategy, we are a company that gives space to innovation, and we expect to attract talented and motivated professionals interested in working and being exposed to these changes. We look into the top positions in our best colleges as well as those of countries with more industry experience. We face a challenge in the labor force, which is generally low skilled, but for certain types of work workers need to be highly skilled in order to maintain quality and cost. To attract and retain these workers, we have a competitive action plan that makes our company responsible to the community through our investment in infrastructure and education, which is interesting for families thanks to our emphasis on health, knowledge, and support, and rewarding for employees. We still face many challenges to improving our local infrastructure and making more comfortable the effort of our employees. That will reinforce our current effort.
Our main goal for 2016 is to invest in the right products in order to achieve 30% growth in 2017 and reach USD70 million in sales. Saturno plans to have 500-550ha of grape production by the end of 2017, marking 25% growth in a new area. Grupo Vital will invest in three new business lines in the B2C market that begin consolidating in the coming year. Within our real state operation, we should deliver in 2017 the multi-family dwellings that are currently under construction in San Isidro. By the end of 2017 there should be a 15 MW hydroelectric plant situated in Lambayeque, which we are currently developing with our partners.