Partnered Events
Global Illicit Trade Summit
30 October 2018Abu Dhabi
Event Description
In this third installment of the Global Illicit Trade Summit, The Economist Events brings the conversation to the Middle East. As technological breakthroughs reshape illicit trade, the challenge becomes staying ahead of the curve, to prevent perpetrators from exploiting tomorrow’s loopholes. Yet there is a risk that changing political alliances could exacerbate fractures in the international response. Unlike its legitimate counterpart, the illicit economy is only set to grow. This is cause for concern, along with the socio-economic and geopolitical instability that is a by-product of illicit trade. More than ever before, there is a clear business case for bringing the fight against illicit trade into the mainstream. Why then is progress stalling? We take stock of the challenges and opportunities at play.
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*Places are strictly limited and subject to approval by The Economist Events. If your application is successful, you will receive a confirmation email with further information about the summit. There is no charge associated with your attendance.
Press Release