TBY and the Lagos Chamber of Commerce and Industry (LCCI) ink partnership

The Business Year and the Lagos Chamber of Commerce and Industry ink partnership for the development of upcoming 2018 edition on Nigeria’s economy, The Business Year: Nigeria 2018.

LAGOS, July 14th, 2017, TBY and the Lagos Chamber of Commerce and Industry (LCCI) have signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) which will facilitate the research toward the publication of The Business Year: Nigeria 2018. The partnership was signed in Lagos by Cristiana Di Filippo, Country Manager at TBY, and Muda Yusuf, Director General of LCCI.

LCCI is a nonprofit organization that provides support to promote and protect the interests of Nigeria’s business community through schemes, facilitation, and policy advocacy. Given the nature of the Chamber’s activities, which deal with all businesses operating in Nigeria across all sectors, the partnership provides TBY with access to information and leaders of Nigeria’s private sector in order to better analyze the dynamics of the country’s business scene and take a closer look at the challenges and opportunities faced by the leaders shaping the economy.

Ms. Di Filippo noted: “The Business Year is committed to reporting to the international community the status of Nigeria’s economy through the words of its main players, and to showcasing the myriad of opportunities existing in the country for both local and international investors. We have a very clear mission to help place Nigeria on the international map as an investment destination. For this reason, we truly value a partnership with such prominent organization representing the country’s private sector, which will leverage TBY’s leading position in the country.”

Mr. Yusuf stated: “We are pleased to partner with such major company as The Business Year that reaches both the local and the international government and investor community. We are confident that our collaboration and sharing of knowledge will lead to the very successful launch of the most comprehensive publication on Nigeria’s economy, The Business Year: Nigeria 2018.”

The Business Year: Nigeria 2018 will be published in 1Q2018 and will feature the views and insights of around 120 senior executives and government officials across all sectors, obtained through face-to-face interviews in the country. Besides such interviews, TBY will feature sector analyses, focus articles and contributions from foreign Guest Speakers discussing their country’s bilateral relations with Nigeria. The publication will be widely distributed both locally and internationally at major economic forums, investment forums, and conferences all over the world, therefore greatly promoting the country’s image.

The Lagos Chamber of Commerce and Industry (LCCI)

Founded in 1888, LCCI is the premier Chamber of Commerce in Nigeria. It was incorporated in 1950 as a nonprofit organization and named a limited-by-guarantee company under the Companies Act of 1948.

The primary objective of the Chamber is to promote, support, or oppose legislative or other measures affecting trade, industry, commerce, and agriculture, representing the opinion of the business community on the above matters in particular, and the economy as a whole.