The Business Year and ANAPI Sign MoU

Kinshasa, October 7, 2024—The Business Year (TBY), a global media group that has been providing investors, businesses, and governments with first-hand insights into the world’s most dynamic markets for over 15 years, and the Agence National Pour la Promotion des Investissements, the investment promotion agency of the Democratic Republic of the Congo, have signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU). Both parties will now support and promote the initiatives and campaigns each produce aimed at showcasing and highlighting the investment opportunities and favorable business climate of the DRC.

TBY is in the DRC to produce The Business Year: Democratic Republic of the Congo 2025. The support of the ANAPI is essential for understanding the incentives and benefits foreign investors have when entering the DRC. ANAPI is committed to providing strategic access and information for TBY’s publications, including the upcoming The Business Year: Democratic Republic of the Congo 2025. The upcoming publication will include articles, analytics, and over 100 interviews with key public and private sector figures.

Foreign investment in the DRC has historically targeted mining and energy. However, in recent years, investors have leveraged the size and demographics of the DRC to capitalize on opportunities in agriculture, insurance, construction, and consumer goods.

Commenting on the status of official partners, TBY Regional Director for Africa Johana Rincón said; “We are now at the forefront of attracting foreign investment.”

ANAPI was founded in 2002 with the objective of promoting the DRC as an investment destination and for facilitating the arrival and establishment of foreign companies in the DRC. ANAPI facilitates licenses, incorporation, and legal consulting of the incentives and benefits different sectors offer. Recently, ANAPI representatives have engaged in trade missions to Europe, China, the Middle East, and North America.

The Business Year: Democratic Republic of the Congo 2025 will be published in the first quarter of 2025. The print version will be distributed locally and available on The digital version will be available on all major business information platforms such as Bloomberg Terminal, Dow Jones Factiva, andFactset, as well as on Google Books and Issuu and at