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Colombia 2022/23

PUBLISHED August 2022



The Business Year: Colombia 2022/23 is our 10th annual publication on the Colombian economy. We conducted research for this publication as the region emerged from the worst of COVID-19 restrictions and as the country elected its first-ever left-wing president. In this 200-page edition, which features interviews with top business leaders from across the economy, as well as news and analysis, we cover: green economy, finance, energy, mining, industry, telecoms and IT, transport, construction, real estate, agriculture, health, education, and tourism and entertainment.

Here is just a selection of the interviews contained:

Flavia Santoro, President, Procolombia
María Isabella Muñoz Méndez, Executive Director, Invest in Bogotá
Takahiro Saito, President, Sumitomo Corporation Andes
Juan Carlos Realphe, CEO, Zurich Colombia
Juan Miguel Durán Prieto, President, National Mining Agency (ANM)
Roberto Junguito Pombo, President, Organización Corona
Andrés Bernal, CEO, Teleperformance Colombia
Juan Felipe Bedoya, General Manager, Porsche Colombia
Roberto Moreno, CEO, Amarilo
Jorge Mario Díaz, Executive Director, Agrosavia
Julio César Aldana, Director, Invima
José Gabriel Mesa, Rector, Universidad Santo Tomás
Irvin Pérez Muñoz, President, Fontur

The publication also features a range of articles and analysis, including:

The green energy bonanza
Risk management
Oil and gas
Foreign investment in industry
Digital transformation
International Colombian university
Betting platforms

About The Business Year
The Business Year is a global media group that has been providing investors, businesses, and governments with first-hand insights into the world’s most dynamic markets for over a decade. We conduct hundreds of interviews a week with top decision makers in the Middle East, Latin America, Central and Southeast Asia, Africa, and Europe. Our content is available in printed reports and across an array of digital platforms.

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